Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pre-Gaming In A Dorm

Although nobody wants to admit that their entire freshman year they pre-gamed in their   dorm room, what can we say? Obviously we did, we have no choice! Nobody is 21 and no one really has a fake I.D. yet, so how many options do we have? If its not a reoccurring event then you at least have to admit to doing it at least once or twice. Hopefully you just made it through the year without your RA finding out or worse...  

Walking Around With A Map

For those fortunate people who are good with directions you may have learned your way around campus in a couple days, but for those of you who are horrible with directions you probably walked around campus for a couple weeks with a map by your side. Please please please look up your classes on a map in your dorm before the first day of school. Nobody wants to be that person with the map out, looking clueless, asking for directions on the complete opposite side of campus then where you should be. My advise to you would be to check out your classes/building they are held in the day before classes start so that you will make it on time and wont look like a freshman studying a map in the middle of Landis. 


Dayglo is the biggest TFM of them all! Everybody has heard of Dayglo before they enter college and dreams that they will one day get to experience this hyped up rave party. One of the first things a freshman does when they get here is go to Dayglo. Getting sprayed with paint and glowing on the dance floor sounds amazing until you find out the paint seeps through your clothes and you find it on your body for the next week after. 

High School T-shirts

Wearing high school T-shirts on Florida State Campus is an accident waiting to happen. C’mon guys we are in college now, put those glory days (or worst days of your life) behind you. Nobody cares what High School you went to, what Sport you played in, or the fact that you were captain of the varsity soccer team. If you want to wear a jersey around with your name and number go out and join the FSU team.

FSU Planner

Florida State agendas are the bomb.com. Right? I mean they have every event written down in the calender for us. Football games, who we are playing, home or away, and the best part is that they are free! Freshman swarm over campus looking for the FSU calendars to hit the shelves. It is just one more thing that excites us about our new university and we want to show it off. You will notice upperclassmen are never caught dead with a Florida State planner. They have been there and done that, this is a freshman move and they have learned better by now.  

FSU Card/ Lanyard

Where would any freshman be without out FSU card/ lanyard? I mean this card is key to a freshman’s life. Without it we can’t get into the library, Leach, can not take tests, and can’t even get back into our dorms. Freshman make sure they are never to lose sight of their cards by safely wearing them on a lanyard at all times. Students may even hyperventilate if they lose it for 10 min, I’m speaking from experience. Just know that even though everybody on campus is in possession of a FSU card we freshman are the ones who flaunt it, maybe its because we want everyone to know we are in college now and that card legitimizes it for our friends back home, no matter the reason it is still a TFM!

Laying Out On Landis

Landis has many uses, laying out and tanning is one of them that only freshman do. When a upperclassmen walk past Landis and see girls and boys laying out on beach towels with their music blaring they immediately laugh and think, TFM. Upperclassman are too cool to be seen getting their tan on in the middle of campus, after all they have their own pools to use at their apartment complexes. If you are not fortunate enough to know and be invited by upperclassman to hangout at the pool then Landis seems as though it is your only option. Maybe try laying out by your dorm where everyone is in the same situation, no apartment, no pool, nowhere to go.